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EVOC (研祥智能)

EVOC (研祥智能)


EVOC研祥智能的业务涵盖新一代信息技术、科技装备业和航空航天等智能制造、高端装备制造、新能源、物联网、节能环保等十三五规划的战略性新兴产业和重点领域。产品是众多产业自动化、智能化、信息化、数字化产品的核心部件,目前已广泛应用于科技装备、航空航天、能源、电子、交通、电信、金融、网络、监控等国内各行业。EVOC研祥为中国自动化产业、科技装备实现升级、技术水平赶超国外做出了贡献,为国家经济发展和城市建设起到保障作用。在26年的发展中,EVOC研祥智能先后荣获国家级创新型企业、国家级高新技术企业、国家规划布局内重点软件企业、国家火炬计划重点高新技术企业、中国企业自主创新100强、中国企业500强、2017年荣获全国诚信经营示范单位、中国AAA级信用企业称号、2012年度全国创先争优先进基层党组织等荣誉;作为国家级自主创新的典范,EVOC研祥智能在2007年被中宣部、全国工商联评定为重点表彰的全国民营企业自主创新的十大典型之一、全国特种计算机示范基地。拥有国家特种计算机工程技术研究中心、国家工程实验室、中国驰名商标“EVOC”;公司及产品也多次获得国家、省、 市的多项奖励。




Nowadays, technology is increasingly changing people’s lives and improving their living standards. EVOC, as a high-tech company, is providing high-quality central control device and technical support for various fields, such as intelligent transportation, factory automation, energy, environmental protection, sports, digital medical care, electric power, banking, network security, telecommunications and instrumentation.

Company Roots

EVOC Intelligent was established in 1993. Through rapid development based on innovation, the Company has built an embedded PC brand “EVOC” and owned all intellectual property rights relating to it. Now EVOC has become a leading enterprise in global embedded PC industry, engaged in R&D, manufacturing, sales and system integration. 
In 2003, EVOC Intelligent was successfully listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange (stock code: 02308). Now the company has established close and long-standing relationships with a large number of global clients.

Company Strengths

EVOC products, as an embodiment of innovation in the industry, have provided worldwide users with high-quality products. EVOC boasts a largest R&D center for embedded technology, and the biggest manufacturing base in the world. Now EVOC is widely reputed for the high performance-cost ratio of its products, excellent after-sales services and technical support. EVOC products have become the first choice for a large number of users worldwide. According to CCID, EVOC is now ranked the top in the world and emerging as one of the most competitive players in the embedded industry.

Global Scope

In 2008, EVOC started to explore overseas market. Today, EVOC is ready to share its embedded and industrial computing solutions as well as its sophisticated and reliable products with more partners in the international arena, and grow with them on the basis of mutual-benefits and win-win.

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